Plant Finder

Results 161 to 163 of 163
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Ivory Pillar Japanese Tree Lilac
Syringa reticulata 'Willamette'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  12 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A vigorous accent tree adorned with frothy upright panicles of creamy white flowers in early summer; interesting steel-gray bark...

Plant Photo 2
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Redmond Linden
Tilia americana 'Redmond'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  50 feet
Spread:  35 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A beautiful shade tree prized for its strongly pyramid-shaped form throughout life, clean habit and fragrant yellow flowers in...

Plant Photo 3
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Greenspire Linden
Tilia cordata 'Greenspire'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  50 feet
Spread:  30 feet
Sunlight:  full sun

A magnificent shade tree with a strong, spire-like shape throughout its life; fragrant yellow flowers in early summer when few...